December 6th, 2021 will go down as one of the most important days as well as one of the most embarrassing days in modern history,
It is the day an unruly mob, incensed by years of hatred speech and a ruler that just moments before urged them to storm the nations capitol because he refused to accept the outcome of an election he claimed was stolen from him and them alike. This even though there had been countless numbers of investigations at national, state and local levels which had failed to show up any evidence of fraud in that election. That leaders false claims and rhetoric would lead that angry mob to storm our nations capitol and sadly to the death of a young woman caught up in the moment. Police reporting they discovered two pipe bombs at the scene along with many protesters armed with weapons intent on attempting to take control of our nation’s capitol. To many what amounted to a take over of our nations government. Beyond all that there is a view that it was and act of insurrection and to many others an act of treason. A midst all the chaos a police officer with a sworn duty to protect the capitol and the government leaders inside, forced to pull his service weapon as the mob attempts to break through the doors and gain entry. As he stands his ground as his duty call for him to do - the doors are breached and he fires. A young woman is shot in the neck and goes down. What we would later learn is she had been fatally wounded by the officer in the commission of his duty. It is a miracle that no one else suffered serious bodily injury or death in this attempted coup. Could we have blamed the officers defending our capitol in using deadly force against an angry mob? Could be blame any one of them for performing their sworn duty? I think not. If anyone should have learned anything from this is that when you put yourself in a situation where you are challenging legal authority you are making the choice to put yourself in harms way. A harm that could legally end up in your serious bodily injury and or death. The place to fight something that you may not like or think is not legally right is the courts NOT The Street. That is the reason this country was created. The reason we have laws written and accepted by our founding fathers. Even sadder, as we sat there and watched what appeared to be a prominently white mob in a “White Lives Matter” Protest trying to take overthrow our government, be certain there are others of all nationalities making the same observations themselves who have yet to be heard from and will their conclusions be wrong? We must change they way we debate things in America. We must demand Term Limits immediately that do away with career politicians. No one should be allowed to serve more than 2 terms in public office PERIOD. Just Another Point Of View. Be Safe, Be Blessed, GOD Speed. |