These days we seem to hear more and more about ALKALIZING Your Body for better health. Some people swear by the fact that it tends to Slow Aging, Gives You More Energy and even Helps You Loose Weight. SO what’s all the buzz about and how does it work ? So an Alkaline Diet seems to be the one of the best natural ways of balancing your body, slowing doing the aging process, loosing weight and even reducing inflammation in many areas. What is an Alkaline Diet? It is a Diet Non-Consuming acidic foods and drinks. By doing so it will create an Alkaline Environment in the body. Acidic foods cause inflammation, chronic fatigue, weight gain, poor digestion and over-active immune system. Luckily, the alkaline diet can suppress these problems by neutralizing the acidic environment in your body. What are the worst culprits ? Processed food, sugar, sodas and foods that contain gluten These things will: alter your body’s pH balance and create an acidic environment within it, which will result in numerous health problems Fresh fruit and vegetables are the best alkaline foods. They possess a rich nutritional profile and are the ideal choice for an alkaline diet. Kale, Swiss chard, Arugula, Cabbage and Lettuce boost your energy levels and assist the body to start losing weight as well. Chlorophyll supplements and green drinks can help a lot towards reaching alkalinity too. Additionally, omega oils such as omega-3, an essential nutrient the body can’t produce on its own. This oil is ingested through foods such as fish, but the recommended intake can be reached by adding an omega-3 supplement to your diet. Eating a salad with some Flax seed, Walnuts, Chia seeds or Lemon Oil every day to replenish the levels of omega-3 in your body. The pH of healthy human blood should range from 7.35 to 7.45. The pH is acidic whenever it falls below 7. Acidity can occur as a result of emotional stress, toxic overload or an acid-forming diet. You can avoid acidity. Nutritionists recommend a diet that consists of 60 percent alkaline foods and 40 percent acidic foods. Consult your Doctor and try it, see if you start feeling much better and watch some of those things that your suffering from start to get better. Happy, Healthy Living ! |