![]() Hey don’t look now but, yes, we have jetted into the new year of 2017. Most people always choose this time of year to start looking for a way to not only eat healthier but to also shed the pounds by cutting down of their carbs. Now we have the perfect new solution with a new trend that you may have not heard of yet. Banana flour. But wait. Attention Diabetics, Banana Flour is great for us too because of its low glycemic index which releases glucose into the blood and a much slower rate causing blood sugar to rise at a much slower rate. Yes, you can substitute Banana Flour in almost any flour recipe and even add it to shakes and smoothies as a nutrient since it too is high in potassium. Banana flour is known to also be good for folks with IBS or those of us who just need added fiber to our diets. What does Banana flour taste like? Well it has a slightly nutty, clean flavor, but it is almost flavorless and is denser too which means you can get by with 25% less than normal wheat flour. I found this rather interesting; Banana flour is made from bananas that aren’t suitable for commercial sale, because they have slight blemishes or an odd shape, for example, but are otherwise fine. They usually end up as rejects as consumers won’t buy them, so the bananas are simply tossed out, going to waste. Not no more because now they are being used to make Banana Flour. At just 100 calories per ¼ cup, banana flour is lower in calories than all-purpose flour. It also contains 330 milligrams of potassium per ¼ cup serving – and, as it’s all natural, it retains many other vitamins and minerals from bananas like calcium too. It also contains RS2, which is an important form of resistant starch that’s found in few foods, along with a good dose of healthy dietary fiber. RS2 are resistant to digestion, and not completely broken down and absorbed while traveling through the digestive tract, they go untouched through the stomach and small intestines. Once in the large intestines, they’re able to help feed healthy gut bacteria, and ultimately produce short-chain fatty acids that aid in increasing the body’s ability to absorb nutrients. As a great source of RS2, this also helps to provide health benefits that include decreasing the risk of diabetes, obesity and colon cancer. It’s even been found scientifically to be an effective treatment for inflammatory bowel disease. So what are you waiting for? Oder some Banana flour and start baking today. Here’s to healthier eating in 2017. |