Every day I scour the Internet looking for interesting content to share with folks like you.
Stories about health, well being and eating healthy along with all things for a healthier lifestyle. This morning I was going through the internet and ran across Sadhguru. Who is Sadhguru? Who is Sadhguru? “Jaggi Vasudev, known publicly as Sadhguru, is an Indian yogi and author. Vasudev earned a bachelor’s degree in English from the University of Mysore and has been teaching yoga in southern India since 1982.” Anyway, he was talking about a thing called Horsegram known to some as Kollu. Horsegram is actually a lentil. In fact, some say it is the most potent rich lentil found on our planet. He went on to explain how to prepare it and eat it and then he said, by eating it it creates heat in the body affecting metabolism. He then went on to say the it might make you a little constipated as well but if that happens he said, take some Castor Oil and put a few drops in your navel and/or or rub some on the center of the fore head as well as behind each ear and this will serve to cool the body down. He claims that within 5 minutes of so the body will cool and you’ll go to the bathroom effortlessly. I thought that was very interesting. If your Diabetic you may want to Google Horsegram because some say it helps control Diabetes? In researching around I also found out some interesting stuff about olive oil. You can also put a few drops of EVOO (extra virgin olive oil) in your navel and it supposedly do wonders for your digestion, your bowl movements and your skin as well as a bunch of other things like making your nerves and veins more supple. Google it. Who knew? So, next time you run by the grocery store try to find you some Horsegram. I will tell you that it’s not easy to find unless you have one of those health food stores. You can, of course order it on line at several different places but shop around for the best price. It may be well worth it to try out the Horsegram, some Castor Oil and some Olive Oil and see what it does for you. Of course as we always say, ask your Doctor before undertaking any new regimen. Until next time, Happy, Healthy Eating! |