For Sale
Classic Bike, wheel chair 488-3878 King size mattress sleep number 719-1435 Burner, buy non working washers 282-2702 Yard Work 308-2824 Recipe book 309-6113 Adult diapers 313-7485 Meat grinder electric 308-3099 2004 Volvo 4cyl 4door 469-5605 Scrabble game, young men’s tshirts, 2 1930s bed 775-9791 2016 Toyota Tacoma running boards, patio heater 775-0380 2 sofas , trophy case 220 Grissom Coffee Pot for tea and coffee, girls clothing size 7-8, 10-12, 14-16 313-7485 Drum set 765-8336 16 inch and 19 inch tires 313-1040 Yard Work Alfredo Lopez 308-3099 Looking for Flat wooden bench 298-0506 Yard Sales Wednesday and Friday 212 Grissom Thursday and Friday 407 W Ogden Wednesday and Friday 80 Don Pedro Dr Thursday and Friday 212 Grissom Friday, February 2 - 1101 Avenue S For Sale
Classic Bike, wheel chair 488-3878 King size mattress sleep number 719-1435 Burner, buy non working washers 282-2702 Yard Work 308-2824 Nissan Sentra $600 734-0689 Recipe book 309-6113 4 Tvs 488-1265 Adult diapers 313-7485 Drum set 765-8336 16 inch and 19 inch tires 313-1040 Looking for 2 bedroom house 719-0876 501 levis 8771166742 Yard Sales Wednesday and Friday 212 Grissom Yard Work Tree trimming 308-2824
Washer, speaker box, miv stands free 765-4441 Flat iron grill 309-7911 Mechanic and electrical work 313-7485 2003 BMW for prts 603 Esquivel 96 Nissan Sentra 734-0689 Yard Sales Wednesday 117 Jeffery Dr 103 Miguel Angel Court 102 San Juan Friday 704 Pecan Friday and Saturday 201 Edwards Yard Work Tree trimming 308-2824
Washer, speaker box, miv stands free 765-4441 Flat iron grill 309-7911 Mecanic and elctgrical work 313-7485 2003 BMW for prts 603 Esquivel 96 Nissan Sentra 734-0689 Yard Sales Wednesday 117 Jeffery Dr 103 Miguel Angel Court 102 San Juan Friday 704 Pecan Friday and Saturday 201 Edwards Toyota 2016 running board patio heater 775-0380
Lazy Boy recliner, bookshelf, table 4 chairs 488-8631 Trailer rent 212-7776 1-2 bedroom apartment 765-8011 Dryer 775-18712 Dinning atbke 4 chairs 461-3121 Dinning table 4 chairs 469-9505 265/70R18 tires 469-9505 Tv dvd, weedeater 734-9339 Freezer and refrigerator 488-1749 Bike $50 313-7485 Yard Sales 205 E Viesca Friday 809 and 808 W Chapoy Friday 1101 Avenue S - Saturday Toyota 2016 running board patio heater 775-0380
2011 Quest take over payments 212-7427 Wire 308-1097 King size bed rail 765-1667 Windows 703-6971 House for sa3 bedroom 2 bath 703-6971 1-2 bedroom apartment 765-8011 Dryer 775-18712 Tv dvd, weedeater 734-9339 Freezer and refrigerator 488-1749 Car for sale $500 302 Stanley Yard Sales 205 E Viesca Friday 528 Dennis Dr Wednesday 102 San Juan Wednesday Bedell corner with Ridgewood Thursday 21ft sail boat 703-0482
Chrysler 300 719-9141 Windows 703-6971 House for sa3 bedroom 2 bath 703-6971 1-2 bedroom apartment 765-8011 Dryer 775-18712 Table for plasma 309-7611 end tables 775-5805 Freezer and refrigerator 488-1749 Car for sale $500 302 Stanley Yard Sales 809 West Chapoy For Sale
Snare drum with harness and sticks 765-8336 Insulin Pen 719-0450 235/50r19, 205/60 R16 313-1040 2006 chrysler 300, house for rent 719-9141 Electric heater $10, girls clothing, 607 Alderete 3 bedroom trailer 212-7776 2009 Quest take over payments 212-7427 Dryer Kamrt 775-1872 Bed frame, Pampers, Tv and Dvd combo, weedeater 734-9339 Running boards for Toyota Tacoma, patio heater 775-0380 Looking for Blue pads for bed 719-0425 Flat wood bench and stainless steel pan 313-4126 Yard Sales 407 W Ogden on Saturday 202 Santa Maria on Saturday For Sale
235/50r19, 205/60 R16 313-1040 Weed eater, buy non working washers 309-7611 Electric heater $10, girls clothing, 607 Alderete 2 bedroom apartment 765-8011 Dryer 775-1872 Pampers, Tv and Dvd combo, weedeater 734-9339 Running boards for Toyota Tacoma, patio heater 775-0380 King mattress, kitchen cabinets 488-1749 Yard Sales 407 W Ogden on Saturday |
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