For Sale
Computer desk 602 E 10th Butane gas grill $250, lawnmowers 469-2801 Dallas cowboys ice chest wood, baby strollers, toys, chairs, 2 Trucks and 2001 Kia 469-682-8195 30 Sheet Metals, gas stove, table 309-7611 Juke Box 120 cds $500 734-7895 Boat with trailer best offer 734-1217 Comforters 734-0430 Free water heater and electric stove 213 Vicky Dr Living room set sofa and loveseat $175 308-3210 Dryer, dinning set 4 chairs, stove and refrigerator 488-1749 Yard Work 719-3502 Yard work cleaning 461-4831 Looking for Tacoma Truck 469-682-8195 Yard Sales Friday 2 Family Yard Sale at 905 W Martin Wednesday and Saturday 202 Santa Maria 2014 Ford 250 King Ranch 734-5274
Queen size mattress and box Free 422-9958 Gas and Charcoal grill 469-2801 2 piece Sofa and love seat 308-3210 Gas Stove, Table 309-7611 Accordion and house for sale 734-2962 Lincoln welder and table saw 313-6340 Small refrigerator 313-1040 2001 Truck Silverado 469-682-8195 Looking for Travel Trailer 313-3452 Car between 2k and 2.5k dollars 734-0689 Car vacuum cleaner 313-4126 Hot plate or 1 burner electric 309-9038 Garage Sales Friday 517 E Adobe 809 W Chapoy 704 Pecan 625 W 13th St 115 Ramirez 179 Cerezo For rent
apartment 830-719-0580 For sale Refri 774-6379 For sale Comedor 830-488-1749 For sale llantas 830-469-9505 For sale Llantas Calenton de gas 830-488-3878 For sale Mesa Lavadoras 830-309-7611 Wanted Play pan 830 422-7824 For rent House 830-488-1749 For sale 36” door with 15 light 12 ft. electric post 21 speed mongoose bike 830-765-5714 For sale Entertainment center Microwave cabinet Coffee table Weight machine VHS player Tapes DVD Player and dvds Washers ..dryers Round dinning table 830-931-1108 For sale
Drive transport chair walker Camper shell for Small truck 830-734-1466 For sale 2008 mercury Low miles new tires Excellent condition 734-2924 For sale Resistol western hat new Still in box Bbq grill Exercise bicycle A frezzer All in good condition 774-2391…422-0373 Wanted VCR 830-719-7690 Wanted refri 830-212-7427 Looking For a carpenter 775-0081 For SALE tires 830-488-3878 For sale Periquera Camas, sillon cama Pampers 734-9339 For sale Dryer Comedor Sala Refrigerador 830-488-1749 Clean houses 830-461-2947 For rent 2 bedrooms Housing accepted 104 Teresa 830-313-2770 Vendo Bonita ropa de mujer Nueva y usada Faldas blusas, vestidos Sweteres Articulos de decoracion Colchas cobijas 308 Airport Blvd 830-422-8981 House for sale 734-2962
18k BTU window unit 734-2004 2 bed frames, and head board 703-6667 Washer and dryer , hutch, twin bed, range hood 931-108 Ford Focus 488-1629 Gas Heater, 2-15 inch tires 488-3878 House rent 219 Jeffery 488-1749 2013 MKX loaded 719-2724 15 inch tires 469-9505 BBQ grills, window units 469-682-8195 Looking for Lawnmower 313-3920 Doors, windows, butane tanks 488-1296 Kirby Vaccum cleaner 313-4126 Office Chair 308-3470 BBQ grill, Yard work Done 308-3099
15 inch tires, electric stove 469-9505 Ford Focus 488-1629 Gas Heater, 2-15 inch tires 488-3878 House rent 219 Jeffery 488-1749 2013 MKX loaded 719-2724 Looking for Lawnmower 313-3920 Yard Sales Wednesday and Thursday 808 and 809 W Chapoy |
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