Tool box small truck, weight set 488-1379
2 washers dryer 309-7611 Female horse 469-6667 2002 Lancer $1200 734-4673 2 walkers chair combo and shower chair 734-4573 3 piece counter top 734-0036 92 Cadillac 313-4173 Looking for Large dog house 734-1217 Baby seat 734-7067 Garage Sale Friday 702 E 2nd 511 E Chapoy 113 Long Drive Wednesday 808 West Chapoy 117 Jeffery Dr 1009 E Bowie st Thursday Hamilton Lane Saturday 108 Gibbons 3 18 inch tires , 3 16 inch tires 469-9505
Pontiac 2008 G& 469-6398 Bunk bed, boy clothing 775-2519 Tires 16 and 17 inch 309-5274 Selling animals chickens , pot belly pig, sheep 719-0455 Sofa leather $75, free recliner 313-1490 Buy non working washer 309-7611 Looking for Person to build porch 703-6667 2004 Lexus 719-3755 Painter help 313-1027 Washer 488-1629 Yard sales Friday 511 E Chapoy Wednesday 80 Don Pedro Dr Wednesday and Thursday 117 Jeffery Giving away, ducks, geese, pot-bellied pigs and a recliner. Also for sale 2 miniture donkeys- 1 male, 1 female(pregnant) 830-775-4257 719-0435
Looking for 2008 Ford Expedition 719-3755 3 office chairs for sale. Some 17” and 15” and 16” tires for sale 309-5274 Office space for rent on Eagle Pass Hwy. 830-461-3133 1997 Oldsmoblie for sale New Ac and door is fixed. Asking at 1800.00 Can be seen at 411 W. Bowie. 830-703-6667 2013 Nissan Sentra for sale 830-734-6581 2008 Jeep Patriot, Sofa, free recliner 313-1490
92 cadillac 4 door 313-4173 4 rims new tires 313-4173 18k btu window unit 734-2004 4 pair tennis shoes 10 ½ 212-7726 Lot on corner Riojas and Calavera St 765-6456 14 ft trailer and plow 313-4126 2 pair boots 10 ½ 734-0430 Queen size box spring 308-1397 2006 Pt cruiser 719-3445 Looking for Person to clean houses 282-5551 CD player mp3, king size bed frame and headboard 313-4126 Garage Sale Friday 125 Jodobo |
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