2000 PT Cruiser for sale $2500.00 and a 52” tv $250.00 830-719-2450 or go by 907 Las Vacas
2002 Chevy p/u for sale 775-2607 1 y/o pitbull for sale 830-212-7427 Boots for sale size 9 ½ to 10, pants for sale, dryer $80.00 607 Alderete Lane Paddle boat for sale, ladder, washing machine 309-4976 Small palms for sale 469-9505 For Sale
Palm trees for sale 775-3637 Bale of hay $5 734-7986 Riding lawnmower needs work, rug $25 703-6667 2 Refrigerators $125 and $200 775-0783 4 tires 15 inch 308-0581 Free twin bed 514 E Bean Refrigerator $200 107 Maripoza Apartments for rent 765-8011 Wood burning stove 775-1872 Chester drawers, gutters 765-7021 Garage sale items all for $25 488-1721 Boat with paddles $350, electric grill $50 309-74976 Sofa and plants 3131490 2002 PT Cruiser $2500, 55 Samsung tv 775-3366 Looking for Mechanic 734-5274 Person to install windshield 212-000 Lost Dog by Moore park named Archie 309-8111 Garage Sales Saturday 107 Meandering Way Friday and Saturday 605 Alderete Lane For Sale
Wooden cabinets for restroom 765-5456 4 TV stands 309-7611 Plow discs 3134126 Yard Work, clean lots 313-4173 House Sale 407 E De La Rosa 210-413-6372 2 water heater, patio table, 4 18 inch tires 309-7611 Memory stick with music 308-1331 Jean shorts size 34,36, 42, washer 309-7611 4 wooden windows 719-9141 Looking for Ford Expedition 2007-2010 719-3755 Person to fix sewing machine 313-3787 Usb Music 212-7908 Water cooler 734-0689 Yard Sales Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 100 Chestnut Thursday and Friday 205 E Viesca Thursday 704 Pecan Thursday and Friday 122 Cerezo 209 Ramon Cardenas Blvd For sale: 1994 Oldsmobile, Good Cond. $1500.00, potty chair and shower chair 703-6667
FREE Old Type 52” tv 765-8539 For sale Tool box and riding lawn mower 734-0036 Looking for Barbado sheep, Plow for sale, 14’ trailer 313-4126 For Sale- Dishwasher 775-2040 Tires for sale- R16 and R17, chest of drawers 810 W. 4th street 774-4701 308-0612 Yard work and needs someone for bodywork 313-4173 Black ottoman for sale 765-1667 Adult pampers for sale 734-1322 Boat and washer for sale. Electric bbq pit for sale 309-4976 For sale- truck and hvy duty 18’ trailer 488-5093 Complete AC system (inside and Outside) $1000.00 774-2391 or can be seen at 110 Miller Drive Gas stove for sale 313-1942 Wood Stove for sale 775-1872 Tire planters for sale. Poles for sale also 282-5940 3 layer book shelf, 2 pair of shoes for sale 313-3787 Looking for small refrigerator 774-5798 For Sale
1-2-3 Bedroom rent 765-8011 Wood burning stove 775-1872 House for Sale 704 E De La Rosa 210-413-6372 4 wheels and tires $100, washer dryer $$175, utility trailer 309-7611 Mule 488-5093 2008 Dodge Ram $3500 325-716-3078 Garage sale items all for $30 488-1721 Restroom cabinets 765-5456 Sectional sofa and recliner $260 210-900-5969 Looking for German Shepard puppy 488-5093 Igos 422-9958 Portable cd player 313-4226 Washer 822-2164 Yard Sales Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 906 E 10th Thursday at 704 Pecan St For Sale
2 free tvs 775-0783 Wood burning stove 775-1872 Clean Lots Free estimates 313-4173 Hens and rooster 775-0783 Dryer may tag, toilet bed side, shower chair 703-6667 Adult diapers 734-1322 Glass table 734-1322 2001 Cavalier 469-9505 2002 PT Cruiser 719-0450 Yard Sales Wednesday 1009 E Bowie Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 117 Jeffery Dr Wednesday 2863 Cienegas Thursday 122 Cerezo Lot 1 |
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