For sale: Wii Gaming system w/9 games and 2 controllers $100.00; adult pampers 830-313-7480
For Sale: 19” tv $50.00 602 E 10th street For Sale: 4 each chrome rims $100.00 830-469-5605 Looking for drum cymbals (crash, rider) and drum seat 830-765-8751 For Sale: quincenera dress size 2 light green color 830-775-7942 For Sale: 4 new tires w/ wheels for Chevy truck or SUV 235 60 16 830-734-1597 For Sale
Electric chain saw, lawnmower, weed eater 734-6542 Large pampers $5 package, box blue sheets 313-7485 Running boards 2017 Tacoma, 7ft patio heater, treadmill, bike, sofa, vanity 775-0380 Microwave, ice chests 774-5167 Entertainment center, TV with Dvd and VHS, 87 Chevy Truck 734-9339 Washer and dryer, microwave, chest drawers 488-1749 3 piece sofa brown 775-5470 AC window unit 18,500btu 765-5714 Looking for Windows, doors, pedestal fans AC window units 488-1296 Crash and riding cymbals 765-8751 Yard Sale Friday and Saturday 119 S Terry St Wednesday 101 La Grande Thursday and Friday 701 W. 1st Thursday 209 N. Orbit Thursday bad Friday 610 Dennis Dr For Sale
2005 Mitsubishi Endeavor $1,800 212-8967 Chester drawer, washer, dryer 488-1749 87 Chevy $2000, entertainment center, TV 734-9339 Utility trailer 775-1872 Apartment for rent and trailer house rent 719-0580 3 water heaters, soda machine, washer, dryer, stainless steel stove and beige stove 309-7611 Box pampers and blue sheets for bed 313-7485 4 boxes of adult pampers 313-7485 Looking for triplay 765-1649 Yard Sales Friday 802 Morin 303 W Garza 1206 N Bedell Saturday 304 Pauline Ave Friday and Saturday 314 Royal Falcon For Sale
Gas stove 719-8578 2003 Triton Bass Boat, 4 tires 65/R18 719-5963 FREE Metal Pick Up 309-7611 Living room set, dinning room, 2 bedroom sets 778-9750 Trailer for rent 2 bedroom, apartment for 1 person $225 month 71-0580 Soda Machine, weed eater, lawnmower clothing 3x/4x 309-7611 3 piece sofa 775-5470 Bag of clothing for $30, walker $10, highchair $10 309-5274 87 Chevy truck $2000, entertainment center, alterations 734-9339 Fresno Tree and plants for sale, 1977 soda machine, jeans 29x30 313-1490 Gas butane Stove 469-6758 Extension ladder, 18 ft. boat, 734-1217 Adult diapers $5, blue bed sheet 1-$3 or box $25 313-7485 Yard Sales Friday 704 Pecan Saturday 304 Pauline Ave Friday and Saturday 505 W Cortinas F/S 6X10 WOOD SHELVES $100.00
BBQ PIT $50.00 OAK FIRE WOOD 4 USED TIRES 17'' 25.00 830-308-1397 F/S 2 36 DOORS W-15 LIGHTS WEED EATER BLOWER EDGERS WINDOW A.C. 765-5714 1987 CHEVY TRUCK $2000.00 DVD PLAYER W/CASSTTE 830-488-4222 L/F 3PLY 830-765-4345 L/F STATIONARY BIKE EXERCISE 830-775-9791 F/S VIOLIN 830-308-1057 F/S PAMPERS 313-7485 F/S LAWN MOWER $40.00 309-5264 TILE WORK 703-6667 F/S PALM TREE 775-3637 L/F MASSAGE TABLE PORTABLE 734-6280 L/F QUEEN BED /W HEADBOARD 719-5888 F/S RUNNING BOARDS 7FT PATIO HEATER TREADMILL MEN 24" BIKE 775-0380 For sale
Llantas tires de todos tamanos $35.00 each Air condition window unit Small fridge $40.00 Call 830-212-0005 For sale / De venta Arboles de palma Palm trees 775-3637 For sale / de venta Refrigerador $25.00 422-6600 For sale / De venta Dressert, night stand Bike, freezer 765-1124 For Sale / De venta Cajonera 488-1749 Busco / wanted Carro 298-2888 Busco / Need Mesa 488-1749 Busco / Need Dirt Tierra 765-0140 For sale / De venta B B Q Pit asking $80.00 Oak wood cut in Small pieces For Sale Vendo Water cooler 17” tires 830- 308-1397 For sale / De venta Se renta Trailer House 719-0580 Vendo / for sale Small freezer Escalera 765-0140 For rent / de renta House One and tywo bed 765-8011 Busco / Looking Two ladies To clean 734-5313 Busco / Wanted Chile piquin de Monte 765-9948 For rent / Se renta Aprt. Para una persona $225.00 Traila house Dos recamaras $300.00 For sale / De venta Chaqueta de los Longhorns $40.00 Parrilla $50.00 469-5595 De Venta / For sale Traila 830-719-1478 Vendo / For sale Grill de fierro Disco para las tripas 830-309-7611 Busco / Wanted Novia para perrito Chihuahua 830-313-7664 For sale / Se Vende Troca 1987 Chevy $2,500.00 Busco bateria para carro 12vlt 830-734-1217 For sale / For sale Se vende Bateria 12 volts. 830-488-4557 For rent / Se renta Apart for 225.00 Ademas se renta traila De dos recamaras por $300.00 830-719-0580 For sale / Se vende Llanatas $10.00 cada una 830-719-5963 For sale: AC Unit $50.00, Weed Eaters, 36” door 830-212-3642
For sale: 4 ea. 65R18 Wrangler tires $10.00 ea, 20’ Triton Bass boat 830-719-5963 Looking to buy a small water cooler 830-734-0689 For sale: 8,000 BTU window unit $125.00, 5,000 BTU window unit $75.00 830-212-0005 |
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