Buy non-working washers, dryers, BBQ pit 309-7611
1 bedroom apartment 765-8011 Maytag washer 765-5456 Angels 2feet cement 775-1872 Wood cabinets 488-1749 2 refrigerators with ice makers, doors, medicine cabinet, piñatas 422-6600 Full size mattress 719-0455 Easter eggs 774-5167 China cabinet 308-3099 10 rolls of chain link fence 765-1649 Running boards Tacoma, 7ft patio heater, men bike, rocker 775-0380 Yard Work 719-3587 Looking for Parts for Chevy 47-53 734-1217 Clocks with seconds hand 313-4126 Fresh eggs 316-4126 Person to move garage shed 719-0450 Yard Sale Wednesday and Thursday on Hamilton Lane Washer/dryer, gallons paint $2, buy non working washers 309-7611
1 bedroom apartment 765-8011 Angels 2feet cement 775-1872 Refrigerator 488-6068 Girls scrubs small 719-0425 China cabinet 308-3099 10 rolls of chain link fence 765-1649 Looking for Parts for Chevy 47-53 734-1217 6 ladies to work cleaning houses 734-5313 Bench with no rest 313-4126 Clocks with seconds hand 313-4126 Doors, windows, Truck 2002 and up extended cab 488-1296 Lawnmower 309-5274
Craftsman table saw 313-2778 4 tires 195/65R15 212-7908 Peavey speaker and amplifier $900 488-5093 2002 Ford Focus $2,500 765-8751 Chain link fence 10 rolls of 50 feet 765-1649 Looking for Wall clocks with the second hand and a bench with no rest 298-0506 Oxygen machine 422-7999 Yard Sales Wednesday 80 Don Pedro 102 San Juan 515 E Adobe Thursday 502 Grissom Friday 1101 Avenue S For Sale
Running boards for Tacoma, Patio heater, 24” bike, swivel chair 775-0380 Freezer, refrigerator, adult diapers 488-1749 3 washers, 3 dryers, 2 bird cages, 309-7611 2 dogs free 734-2962 2 refrigerators, interior doors, closet door, medicine cabinets 422-6600 Lawnmower 309-5274 Fence chain link 765-1649 Looking for Refrigerator and electric stove 488-1265 Passion plant 775-9791 Gas Dryer 775-0380 Yard Sale Wednesday 304 E Viesca Trailer, lawnmower, buy non working washer 309-7611
Meat grinder multipurpose 309-3099 Electric hospital bed, walker, wheel chair, shower chair, diapers602 E 10th 87 Chevy $2800, adult pampers, helium gas tank, 734-9339 Left over items of yard sale 80 Don Pedro Dr 94 Fordwind Motor Home 488-1379 Trailer 4x8, 2 washers, freezer, bbq pit 101 La Grande Freezer upright, wooden cabinets, desk $15 488-1749 High chair $20, coffe table, boys clothing 422-4696 Looking for Truck at reasonable price 461-4831 57 Chevy Body 313-1040 Passion plant, floor scrubber 775-9791 Estropajo seeds 719-0450 Yard Sales Thursday and Friday Corner of Ave A and Gibbs 905 W. Martin Wednesday 103 Miguel Angel 102 San Juan Thursday Corner of Bedell and Ridgewood For Sale
2 beds $250 each or $400 both, wheel chair $45, exercise bike 719-4701 Sewing machine Singer $60 488-4701 2 Electric stoves 401 E Bowie 2000 Volvo 4cyl 4 door, new motor 469-5605 2 children’s car jeep and motorcycle no motors , parrot $250 719-7372 4 electric heaters, ac window, gas water heater 309-7611 100-150 Jeans men and women, mechanic and electric car work 313-7485 Trundle bed 313-1040 70/30 Diabetic pen FREE 719-0450 Looking for Body man t fix truck 734-1217 Ceiling fan 308-3470 Yard Sales Friday 179 Cerezo 905 W Martin 103 King Richards Friday and Saturday 505 W 1st |
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