For Sale
Gas Stove 313-1942 Buy Nonworking Appliance 313-7611 Patio Table, twin bed 313-1819 Head bands 351-8841 AC window unit, loteria cards, dishes 734-4523 China Cabinet, Kirby vacuum 469-9505 Refrigerator (need work) 351-8841 Electric Stove 313-2552 2 singer sewing machines 422-6600 2 ac window units 309-9237 Justin boots New 8 ½ 719-8079 Conn Trumpet $100 330-440-3450 9 Boxes of diapers, 2 boxes of pads all $30 734-0430 2 wheelchairs 703-0276 Rolling chairs 734-0689 4 tires 305/55R20 734-3327 Dining table 4 chairs, refrigerator and bed set 488-1749 2 closet doors, fence pipe, quinceanera dress 734-4523 Crespones, banana trees, shade tree 734-7487 8k BTU Unit, victor torch and gauges, 65 inch lcd tv, 5 ton ac compressor 734-7487 Lot for 8 person in San Felipe Cemetery 309-2097 Electric stove $100 313-2552 Kodak vintage camera, sago palms, dress shirts 703-9518 Water heater gas 488-1265 Dryer $50 765-6493 Apartment for rent for 1 person 719-0580 Kenmore dryer, loteria cards 313-3787 Trailer for rent 303-0301 2007 Hyundai Elantra 210-417-0793 Upholstery Vinyl different colors 734-1217 1 ½ year old calf 765-9235 Bedroom set and table 4 chairs 488-1749 Looking for Kirby vacuum attachments 313-4126 Lady to help cleaning house 719-0416 Dryer 765-6493 |
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