Practice everyday preventive actions now!
• Avoid close contact with people who are sick. • Practice social distancing, try to stay within about 6 feet of others. • Stay home when you are sick, except to get medical care. • Cover your coughs and sneezes with a tissue. • Clean frequently touched surfaces and objects daily (e.g. tables, countertops, light switches, doorknobs, and cabinet handles) using a regular household detergent and water. - If surfaces are dirty, they should be cleaned using a detergent and water prior to disinfection. • Wash your hands often with soap and water for atleast 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom; before eating; and after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing. - If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol. Always wash your hands with soap and water if your hands are visibly dirty. For more tips on how to remain healthy, please visit the CDC’s website. No considero aburrimiento tener que quedarme en casa con quien yo amo.
El aburrirse es lo que estan viviendo los enfermos graves. Deja de decir que estas aburrido , molesto porque no puedes salir de casa ; mientras todos los que estan en el hospital quieren irse a casa. Entonces agradece al Dios si tienes que quedarte en casa , pues a pesar de todo, con dinero o sin dinero con un trabajo o sin trabajo. Estas en el mejor lugar que podrias estar , en tu casa, rodeado por quien te ama. A lo mejor sea hora de transformar tu casa en un lugar maravilloso para quedarse, un lugar de paz y no de guerra de abrazo y no de estar alejados De todos modos, mira diferente la situacion que estas viviendo. HAZ DE TU CASA UNA FIESTA: Escucha musica, canta, baila….. HAZ DE TU CASA UN TEMPLO: Ora, reza, medita, pregunta, agradece. alaba, suplica….. HAZ DE TU CASA UNA ESCUELA: Lee, escribe,dibuja,pinta,estudia,aprende,ensena….. HAZ DE TU CASA UNA TIENDA: Limpia, ordena, organiza, decora, mueve algunas cosas de lugar, vende dona…… HAZ DE TU CASA UN RESTAURANTE: Cocina, come, prueve, crea recetas, cultiva vegetales, planta un arbol… EN FIN HAZ DE TU CASA, DE TU FAMILIA, UN LUGAR DE AMOR En estos dias criicos en que vivimos Quedate en casa / Stay home FIFTH CONFIRMED COVID-19 CASE IN VAL VERDE COUNTY
Del Rio, TX – The Texas Department of State Health Services (TDSHS) and Val Verde Regional Medical Center have confirmed a fifth case of COVID-19 in Val Verde County. The fifth reported case is confirmed to be travel-related within the United States. The patient has been under selfquarantine and is in stable condition with improving symptoms. State confirmed cases in Val Verde County at a glance: March 24, 2020- First confirmed case – international travel related March 26, 2020- Second confirmed case – international travel related March 27, 2020 – Third confirmed case – community spread related March 27, 2020- Fourth confirmed case – international travel related It is imperative that our community remains home if they are able. Practice social distancing and all guidelines provided by the CDC and TDSHS. If you feel you have been exposed or have any of the following signs and symptoms of this virus, please contact the Val Verde Regional Medical Center Nurse Advice line at 844-432-5391, with any questions regarding your symptoms. Listen to the entire message and if you have not been answered, stay on the line to speak with a live nurse. Signs and Symptoms: fever, cough, shortness of breath Symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure City, County and VVRMC officials are united in sharing all updates and information to keep our community safe. All updates will be distributed to the public via the City, County and VVRMC Public Information Offices. Please follow the City of Del Rio Government , Val Verde County, Val Verde Regional Medical Center Facebook pages or visit,, or for more information. The virus known as COVID-19 that began its insidious creep into our society during January has now gained a solid foothold on American soil terrorizing and threatening the entire nation. But how did it get here? What’s its backstory?
The following is a timeline for the development and spread of the upper respiratory disease. In late December of 2019 — remember then, when the Cowboys smoked the Redskins to end the season on a high note — it was reported that several people in Wuhan, China were treated for pneumonia after allegedly visiting a live animal market in the city. On January 11, 2020, China indicated a 61-year old man who had been afflicted with pneumonia after going to the animal market died from the novel coronavirus. By January 21, the United States had acquired its first case of COVID-19. The person was a 35-year old man from Washington state who had traveled to Wuhan. The World Health Organization (WHO) proclaimed its sixth international public health emergency on January 30. In February, WHO changed the name of the nascent disease from the novel coronavirus to COVID-19; the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) affirmed the first local transmission case in the U.S., and America had its first death attributed to the novel coronavirus. WHO classified the coronavirus-2019 a pandemic on March 11. President Donald Trump declared a national emergency on March 13 and Gov. Greg Abbott followed suit announcing a statewide public health disaster. On February 7, travelers were quarantined for two weeks at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio. A North Texas man from Colin County tested positive on March 8 after returning from a trip to California. The first coronavirus-related fatality in Texas was reported on March 15. The victim was a man in his 90s and a resident of Bay City. Gov. Abbott issued an executive order on March 19 prohibiting the gatherings of 10 or more people and closed schools, gyms, dine-in restaurants and bars. The initial order was in effect until April 3. He also created another executive order on March 26 requiring air travelers flying into Texas from Connecticut, New Jersey, New York and New Orleans to be quarantined for 14 days or the duration of their stay. On March 31, the governor extended social distancing guidelines through April 30. Val Verde County Judge Lewis Owens issued a Declaration of Local Disaster for Public Health Emergency on March 16. He amended the declaration on March 23 ordering residents to shelter-in and remain six feet apart when encountering people during essential activities such as purchasing items at the grocery store. The Texas Department of Health Services (DSHS) reported five cases in Val Verde County as of 12:30 p.m. on April 2. Confirmed COVID-19 cases in Del Rio- March 24: travel-related March 26: travel-related March 27: local transmission March 27: travel-related March 28: travel-related (Resources for the story: ABC News; WFAA; the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; and the city of Del Rio.) SRE reitera llamado a evitar viajes no esenciales, particularmente, entre México y Estados Unidos
El Gobierno de México exhorta nuevamente a todas las personas mexicanas a evitar viajes internacionales por motivos recreativos o de turismo, en particular, entre México y Estados Unidos. Lo anterior, en línea con las disposiciones emitidas para mitigar la dispersión, transmisión y complicaciones del COVID-19 en la comunidad. También, se subraya que las medidas de contención, así como la progresiva reducción de frecuencias y rutas aéreas, han generado múltiples complicaciones logísticas, mismas que continuarán en las próximas semanas. A los connacionales que residen en el exterior de forma permanente, en especial en Estados Unidos, se les solicita cumplir las instrucciones de las autoridades locales y se recomienda ampliamente permanecer en casa y evitar todo tipo de desplazamiento internacional, incluido a México. Se exhorta a aquellos mexicanos con residencia permanente en Estados Unidos, que buscan reunirse con sus familiares, a detener temporalmente los viajes no esenciales hacia nuestro país. De igual forma, se han establecido medidas de contención en ambos países, en fechas recientes, incluyendo limitaciones en la frontera terrestre y la reducción de conectividad aérea. La Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores continuará brindando toda la asistencia y protección consular a su alcance, bajo las actuales limitaciones de movimiento y acceso. La Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores, a través del Consulado de México en Del Rio, monitorea el desarrollo de la situación y publica recomendaciones a través del portal oficial, Facebook: ConsulMex.DelRio y Twitter: ConsulMexDelRio. April 1, 2020
SCHOOLS TO REMAIN CLOSED THROUGH MAY 4, 2020 In a press conference held yesterday afternoon, Governor Greg Abbott renewed and expanded the previous directive to minimize social gatherings and minimize contact with people who are not in the same household. “Social distancing is our best tool in the fight against COVID-19, and the actions we have taken thus far have proven to be effective in limiting the spread of this virus,” said Governor Abbott. “Now it is time to redouble our efforts to reduce further exposure as much as possible and flatten the curve.” Included in this Executive Order, was a directive for schools to remain temporarily closed to in-person classroom attendance through May 4, 2020. SFDRCISD will remain strong in its commitment to support home-based instruction for our students at every grade level. In addition to the current services we provide, we will focus on efforts to expand our outreach to students who may not have the means to access technology or internet services. We will do this by: 1. Delivering notifications to every home where parents of students have not established a connection with their child’s case manager. This effort is to locate students who have not made contact with the school, and to quickly establish the alternative means in which they will receive their instructional packets and resources. (Parents of children who have not received their instructional packets must contact their child’s school as soon as possible). 2. Expanding opportunities for students to access free Wi-Fi service and borrow technology devices so that they, in turn, can access the District’s home-based instruction portal, complete their lessons and submit their work so that they can receive grades and/or credit for their coursework. Coordinated efforts by our District’s Technology Department are already underway to establish hot-spots across our community so that students can access free internet services in the next few days. Because technology devices are limited, we will prioritize the distribution of the devices based on need (students who do not have access to a computer or laptop at home), the order in which the device reservation was made, and availability. Reservations and distribution of technology equipment will begin on Monday, April 6, 2020. Parents are encouraged to call the SFDRCISD Technology Helpdesk at (830) 778-4357 for more information. Our Board of Trustees and SFDRCISD team would like to thank our parents for encouraging and supporting their students as they work to complete their Home Based Instruction assignments. Together, we are better! |