So it won’t be long before you may be walking out of any store to people having a knock down, drag out in the parking lot.
All of the sudden one man knocks another to the ground and the man on the ground reaches in his waistband and starts to pull out a gun. If that were to happen today, the only choice you may have is to duck and take cover so when the bullets fly, at least you will be safe. That may all change soon enough as Texas Governor Gregg Abbott has recently said that he would sign legislation allowing Texans to carry handguns in public without a license. In a recent radio interview Abbott said “I support it, and I believe it should reach my desk, and we should have ‘constitutional carry’ in Texas”. Just prior to that Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick said the Senate did not have the votes for the legislation then, but he was trying to find a way to move it through the process. It may seem scary to many of us that everyone would be running around with a gun strapped to their hip BUT when you truly give it some thought, it would be much better than a bad guy pulling one out on you and or your loved ones without you knowing they had it. So once again you’re faced with a “Damned if you do or Damned if you Don’t” scenario. Stop and think, either they ban guns on private citizen all together or if you feel secure enough, you get to carry one yourself for your own personal protection. It’s certainly something that everyone should be talking about today before we go back to the days of the Wild Wild West when we’re all carrying guns on our hips and may the fastest man win. A day that we’ll all be waiting for the GUNSMOKE to clear to find out whowill be left standing to fight another day. Just another Point of View. Las Vegas Nevada. The jewel of the dessert. The city of lights that most days just never seemed to sleep until this horrible pandemic that paralyzed it and so many more vacation destinations around the country and around the world. Now, as more and more people get Vaccinated, lots of folks are starting to feel a little bit safer in going out. Many people are feeling a lost easier about gathering with family and close friends and some are even venturing out into the country again. We were in Las Vegas the second week in March and even though there was a cold front moving through you could tell more and more people were starting to move around the city. Still, there were many places that remained closed and many others that were just being overwhelmed in trying to deal with the growing numbers of tourists without the full staff they had before the covid crisis. People trying to catch and Uber or Lyft were having to wait 30 minutes to an hour for their ride share. Not a common thing in Las Vegas when before you could get one withing 5 or 10 minutes. Since then, Millions more have got their vaccines and the crowds in Las Vegas have exploded in just over a month. Check out the photos provided in our article and if your one of those folks that likes to visit Las Vegas every now and then check out our website at for tons of current video and photos from Las Vegas. Just keep in mind that traveling still requires a mask on the plane and most public transportation. Make sure you have carry an approved “Travel Size” container of Hand Sanitizer or Antibacterial hand wipes so you can keep yourself as safe as possible from public germs. Remember to wash your hands often as well. You’ll also want to keep in mind that no matter where you go to right now, staff at many places is still below full capacity so service may be a bit slower than you expect. By the way, we’ll be back in Las Vegas this month so we’ll have lost more updated information for you next month and don’t forget to go to for the very latest video of the current state of Las Vegas.Happy Traveling. Be Safe and GOD Speed. A POINT OF VIEW: HAVE A GREAT TIMEAs we get closer to the end and farther away from our beginning we start to wonder if we’ve had enough fun in our lives?
We wonder if we’ve done enough, seen enough, been enough places and made enough friends away from our regular circle of comfort. A while back I was thinking so much about this that I even went as far as creating a Facebook page called Racing The End. It’s a hodge·podge of writings, a journal if you will of stuff that’s not only going on now in my life but things that I’d like do and plan to do. Many of us have this going on in one way or another. Some in the form or an actual written journal, others in the form of a diary and if your like me you plaster all over the Internet for everyone to judge you because you just don’t have enough grief going on in your life. I share stuff like my medical issues. This is an excerpt from May 2020; “I spent an hour on the phone with a Doctor Today. They just changed my Diabetes Meds and Now they want to add an Extra one that would cost me $157 a month Co-Pay. Who can afford that? Not Me. Plus they want to add a Statin too. That would make it TEN Pills I would be taking a day. Enough is Enough. I’ve just been to lazy to do the right thing. The Right Thing in My Case is Getting Back and Sticking With a KETO like diet Plan until my Diabetes disappears. YES it can be done. I’ve done it 3 times before just Failed to Commit. This Time with your Prayers and GOD’s will I Will Not Fail. Lunch today was a small steak and a salad. For dinner tonight a KETO Shake, and so it starts. Pray for me.” Wow, talk about pouring everything out there but it’s not all like that. Lots of it is about fun stuff I do as well. Like going to Vegas recently. “Our trip to Vegas last week was Awesome except for while we were there they had a Cold Front move through and it was 40 Degrees every single morning. We flew economy class on American Airlines and I’ve got to say it was not the best experience. The seats were tight and rather uncomfortable. On one flight the sound on the seat Monitor did not work and on another flight they had No Earbuds available because no one loaded them on the flight in Las Vegas. We’ll be back in May and are flying United this time. With any luck the seats will be a little larger and more comfortable. We’ll see.” Do your self a favor and start writing your own race. It’s liberating and can make you feel better. In case your a Vegasite like me here are a few pictures from our recent trip. Live, write, travel, have as great a time as you can, you’ll love it. Just another Point of View. It was a cold Sunday Night in February and the Snow just kept coming down of the Lone Star state. Iy was a beautiful sight and the kids were all excited because we hardly ever get to see any measurable amount of snow fall in central and south Texas.
This time it would be different though and by morning because of the extremely cold temperature the snow was still on the ground. For the next day the temperature never managed to climb above freezing and the snow was clinging to the ground into another day. Now it would be Wednesday and finally the temperature manage to climb high enough that the snow started to melt but there was another supersize headed our way the very next day. More snow and that it did. It snowed quite a bit again that morning and through the day into the evening. This time the snow fell lightly but steadily all day into the evening before it started to surrender by early in the night. It had now been 5 days with snow on the ground and in the air. Much of the stat was suffering from a failing Power Grid and rolling black outs that were supposed to keep the entire power grid from crashing itself. In fact we would later find out that we were all just a short time away from a catastrophic failure of the states entire power grid which could have left most of the state without for weeks maybe months. Also, by this time many businesses had been closed and when they reopened they we rushed by customers in a panic buying frenzy. Citizens of our great state were almost in a state of shock. Frustrated with being without of power, having to stay indoors and now without adequate food and other necessities like toilet paper. The state wouldn’t start to recover until mid day Friday February 19th but by then most businesses were out of many things. There was little if no gas available at local gas stations, many homes had little if no water pressure and many restaurants were either closed or had limited supplies. Some bar-b-que places were open but had no bread so the couldn’t sell any sandwiches. Some had no tea or drinks at all. And on the days they were open the lines of customers trying to get a bite of food to eat were extremely long and never ending. People died, many were hurt, some lost their homes and still we try to figure who is responsible and the bigger questing is will anyone be able to fix it so that a situation like this never cripples the state like it did this time. GOD Bless The Great Sate Of Texas. Just another Point of View. December 6th, 2021 will go down as one of the most important days as well as one of the most embarrassing days in modern history,
It is the day an unruly mob, incensed by years of hatred speech and a ruler that just moments before urged them to storm the nations capitol because he refused to accept the outcome of an election he claimed was stolen from him and them alike. This even though there had been countless numbers of investigations at national, state and local levels which had failed to show up any evidence of fraud in that election. That leaders false claims and rhetoric would lead that angry mob to storm our nations capitol and sadly to the death of a young woman caught up in the moment. Police reporting they discovered two pipe bombs at the scene along with many protesters armed with weapons intent on attempting to take control of our nation’s capitol. To many what amounted to a take over of our nations government. Beyond all that there is a view that it was and act of insurrection and to many others an act of treason. A midst all the chaos a police officer with a sworn duty to protect the capitol and the government leaders inside, forced to pull his service weapon as the mob attempts to break through the doors and gain entry. As he stands his ground as his duty call for him to do - the doors are breached and he fires. A young woman is shot in the neck and goes down. What we would later learn is she had been fatally wounded by the officer in the commission of his duty. It is a miracle that no one else suffered serious bodily injury or death in this attempted coup. Could we have blamed the officers defending our capitol in using deadly force against an angry mob? Could be blame any one of them for performing their sworn duty? I think not. If anyone should have learned anything from this is that when you put yourself in a situation where you are challenging legal authority you are making the choice to put yourself in harms way. A harm that could legally end up in your serious bodily injury and or death. The place to fight something that you may not like or think is not legally right is the courts NOT The Street. That is the reason this country was created. The reason we have laws written and accepted by our founding fathers. Even sadder, as we sat there and watched what appeared to be a prominently white mob in a “White Lives Matter” Protest trying to take overthrow our government, be certain there are others of all nationalities making the same observations themselves who have yet to be heard from and will their conclusions be wrong? We must change they way we debate things in America. We must demand Term Limits immediately that do away with career politicians. No one should be allowed to serve more than 2 terms in public office PERIOD. Just Another Point Of View. Be Safe, Be Blessed, GOD Speed. Wow! 2020 has been such a trying year for so many of us for so many reasons and we’re still not completely out of the woods.
Luckily, it would seem that we are jumping into a New Year with renewed hope that things will at least start to get better. Still, there are way to many things that need to be worked on. Obviously, first and foremost, this Pandemic needs to be addressed as it’s not been addressed in the past and we need to push forward at light speed in attempts to rid our country and the world of this horrible Coronavirus that has already taken so many good people and still threatens so many. Next, even though it’s been contentious, and nasty we need to work on the fact that we still live in the United States of America. Not the United states of Republicans or the United States of Democrats. Our political climate has polarized all of us so much that it is way to dangerously close to inciting a new age civil war. One which serves absolutely NO ONE. It is truly sad that for so many years we have had political leaders who have chosen to alienate us from one another rather than to unite us and work to make this a country of ONE People. We need to start working to get closer to that. We need to start working to get closer to being a society where every race, even though embracing their individual heritage strives to work away from alienating other races. We need to move away from recognizing one race over another. Move away from promoting one race over another another. We must move forward to where we treat every single race as OUR OWN RACE no matter what the color of our skin is. If this great country of ours is destined to succeed it must succeed as a country United as one. A country where each and every citizen strives for equality for one another. This is the way. The way GOD ordains and the way the dark side tries to keep pushing us away from. Remember that in each and every day. When you push towards exclusion you are not serving the LORD. Just another Point of View. Happy New Year and blessing to you and your loved ones. Tis’ the season to be Jolly and the season to continue to be thankful for the many little things in life as we rapidly rush towards a brand new year.
The fact that America may be headed in a totally different direction whether we like it or not and the fact that maybe we should embrace what ever change comes with that in hope that it makes things better for the most of us. The fact that even though we are still amid a pandemic we have learned enough about this dreaded disease to allow many of us to protect ourselves if only we are smart enough to take the advise of medical experts and do what they suggest, The fact that though we may have lost someone close to us that we still have so many other family and friends around to comfort us and provide a shoulder for us when we truly need it. The fact that though our finances may be tight that we still have enough to put food in our bellies, a roof over our heads and a way to get around from place to place. As many of us start thinking about our new year’s resolutions it’s time to think about how we’re going to help usher in a new year of hope and prosperity. We should take into consideration that we have the ability to make things better for ourselves and others in many more ways that we think. We just have to keep trying to motivate ourselves and think positive. We must remember that our minds have Incredible Capabilities and that whether we understand it yet or not WE DO have the power within ourselves to make things better for us and those around us. We must do the best we can to greet each new day with positive energy and a commitment to hope and accomplishment and then set out do conquer those things. Happy Holidays to you and your family and may the New Year bring us all a way to conquer this pandemic that has us all on lock down. May it also bring us all a renewed financial prosperity and the health to enjoy it with our loved ones for many years to come. Just Another Point of View. This Pandemic has us all in one of the worst mental states that we have ever been in. It’s a state that has everyone on edge and at a boiling point with each other over the smallest of things. Look around and no matter where you go we can see friends arguing with friends even over the smallest, insignificant things. People challenging each other in the streets over the least bit thing and even worse people hurting and even killing each other over things that would normally not even matter to us. The fact that we’ve lost our ability to be as social and free as we had learned to be has us starting to mentally implode and sadly it may just be the start of something catastrophic. Early on in my life I learned that if I became educated enough and savvy enough I could articulate most any situation my way. I could speak out in such a manner that eventually I could convince almost anyone to see things my way. As most of the world or maybe just the majority of people around me learned the same thing in time we had each other trying to articulate things are way more and more but was it, is it, the right thing to do? So you see, too many folks try to articulate things in their benefit but even if it sounds great, in the end it still doesn’t make it right. Bing articulate is an awesome thing but way to many people, by default, have come to abuse that gift. So many and so much so that many of them believe that if you can articulate something it becomes true. I can convince myself that I can stick my hand in the fire for a certain period of time without being hurt. Mind over matter. I may be able to keep it there for quite some time and convince myself that I’m ok but at some point my skin and flesh will tell me different from the damage being cause them. In many cases, mind over matter is the “now you see me now you don’t” scenario that only works so long before reality rears it’s sobering head. So you see, you can try to articulate something in one way or another as long as you can but eventually it’s true reality will rise to the surface again and again. Something that is also somewhat spiritual as I’m certain you’ve probably heard that saying “The TRUTH Shall Set You Free”. Just Another Point of View. Just Another Point of View. Believe it or Not.
“As the season approaches, GOD has a message for All of us today. It is the same message he has been trying to convey and instill in us since the beginning of time. That message is, the message of True LOVE. For without knowing True LOVE will will never know True Ascension. You ask, “So there are different levels of ascension?” the answer is Yes and True Ascension Can Not be attained without knowing True LOVE. Yet to know True LOVE one must know True Forgiveness. To know True LOVE one must know how to give up all the elements of hate and evil. You may ask, “What are the elements of hate and evil”? They are simple to list but oh so much harder to give up but we can accomplish this through Forgiveness. To Forgive means we have to release all hatred and all it’s elements from our heart. What are the elements of hatred? They are few but oh so evil in nature. Hate, greed, and selfishness are the keys of hatred. They are the keys of evil to humanity. One could think themselves to be the greatest minister, pastor or preacher in the world, bringing millions of souls to GOD but, without knowing the True meaning of LOVE, they will never ascend to the highest level. You see the quest for ascension has nothing to do with a competition to bring souls to GOD through preaching. It has to do with our ability to bring souls to GOD through the ministry our daily actions. It has to do with sharing our blessings with those needier than us. We must be able to give as much as we receive and then some. If you are not giving back and equal amount to humanity as GOD is giving you, you will never know True LOVE. No matter what the color of our skin, no matter where we were born, we must strive for True LOVE. We must FORGIVE past transgressions by our ancestors and stop promoting one people, one race above another or we will never know what it is to be one people living in LOVE. Until we learn how to live in LOVE the world will never be at Peace.” In spite of the times we live in I hope you’ll agree there is just not enough CHRISTMAS or CHRISTMAS Spirit in the world these days.
Yes, I know the season for the most part is still months away but maybe it’s already time we need to start spreading the spirit of the reason for the season. LOVE. I’m sure you’ll agree that there just isn’t enough LOVE floating around in the world. At a time when things are so stressed for so many of us you would think that we’d try our very best to change our total demeanor towards are fellow man and towards things around us I general. No matter where I go it seems to me so many people are just way to cranky these days. So much so that many of them come off as just down right rude. It seems to me that way too many people who work in the service industry are just either fed up with being nice to customers or just ignorant as to what service is or means. Having been in the service business myself for a while I learned very quickly that your tip and how much you earn is directly impacted by how you treat your customers. I would go out of my way to smile at my customers and schmooze them as much as I could and it always paid off with a nice tip. Now a days it seems people either don’t get that or don’t care and is that’s the way you want to play it your should have every right in the world to do so but just don’t expect a very big tip from me. In fact I have a threshold for how people in the service industry treat me and if you go below that, I just ask fore someone else or I leave. Simple as that. Excuse me I went sideways on a tangent for a bit. We now return you to the regular article about adding more Christmas Spirit starting now and why shouldn’t we. Yes, it’s still several months before December but so what? This is the season to start spreading the Christmas Spirit early this year. I don’t know about you guys but I’m putting up my Christmas tree and decorations already. I even have a Christmas tune as my ringer on my cellphone and I can’t start to tell you the joy it brings to people’s faces when my phone goes off near them. You could have fooled me. They love it. So why not. Tis the season to be jolly early this year and Now is the time. So much bad stuff going on around us we need to counter that with the Spirit of Christmas already. Start treating people kinder and start being jollier evry day and you’ll see it will become contageous in a good way. I wish you all a great holiday season and I pray you all be able to celebrate the Spirit of Christmas with all your loved ones on both Thanksgiving and Christmas Day. Just Another Point of View. |