In spite of the times we live in I hope you’ll agree there is just not enough CHRISTMAS or CHRISTMAS Spirit in the world these days.
Yes, I know the season for the most part is still months away but maybe it’s already time we need to start spreading the spirit of the reason for the season. LOVE. I’m sure you’ll agree that there just isn’t enough LOVE floating around in the world. At a time when things are so stressed for so many of us you would think that we’d try our very best to change our total demeanor towards are fellow man and towards things around us I general. No matter where I go it seems to me so many people are just way to cranky these days. So much so that many of them come off as just down right rude. It seems to me that way too many people who work in the service industry are just either fed up with being nice to customers or just ignorant as to what service is or means. Having been in the service business myself for a while I learned very quickly that your tip and how much you earn is directly impacted by how you treat your customers. I would go out of my way to smile at my customers and schmooze them as much as I could and it always paid off with a nice tip. Now a days it seems people either don’t get that or don’t care and is that’s the way you want to play it your should have every right in the world to do so but just don’t expect a very big tip from me. In fact I have a threshold for how people in the service industry treat me and if you go below that, I just ask fore someone else or I leave. Simple as that. Excuse me I went sideways on a tangent for a bit. We now return you to the regular article about adding more Christmas Spirit starting now and why shouldn’t we. Yes, it’s still several months before December but so what? This is the season to start spreading the Christmas Spirit early this year. I don’t know about you guys but I’m putting up my Christmas tree and decorations already. I even have a Christmas tune as my ringer on my cellphone and I can’t start to tell you the joy it brings to people’s faces when my phone goes off near them. You could have fooled me. They love it. So why not. Tis the season to be jolly early this year and Now is the time. So much bad stuff going on around us we need to counter that with the Spirit of Christmas already. Start treating people kinder and start being jollier evry day and you’ll see it will become contageous in a good way. I wish you all a great holiday season and I pray you all be able to celebrate the Spirit of Christmas with all your loved ones on both Thanksgiving and Christmas Day. Just Another Point of View. |