Just Another Point of View. Believe it or Not.
“As the season approaches, GOD has a message for All of us today. It is the same message he has been trying to convey and instill in us since the beginning of time. That message is, the message of True LOVE. For without knowing True LOVE will will never know True Ascension. You ask, “So there are different levels of ascension?” the answer is Yes and True Ascension Can Not be attained without knowing True LOVE. Yet to know True LOVE one must know True Forgiveness. To know True LOVE one must know how to give up all the elements of hate and evil. You may ask, “What are the elements of hate and evil”? They are simple to list but oh so much harder to give up but we can accomplish this through Forgiveness. To Forgive means we have to release all hatred and all it’s elements from our heart. What are the elements of hatred? They are few but oh so evil in nature. Hate, greed, and selfishness are the keys of hatred. They are the keys of evil to humanity. One could think themselves to be the greatest minister, pastor or preacher in the world, bringing millions of souls to GOD but, without knowing the True meaning of LOVE, they will never ascend to the highest level. You see the quest for ascension has nothing to do with a competition to bring souls to GOD through preaching. It has to do with our ability to bring souls to GOD through the ministry our daily actions. It has to do with sharing our blessings with those needier than us. We must be able to give as much as we receive and then some. If you are not giving back and equal amount to humanity as GOD is giving you, you will never know True LOVE. No matter what the color of our skin, no matter where we were born, we must strive for True LOVE. We must FORGIVE past transgressions by our ancestors and stop promoting one people, one race above another or we will never know what it is to be one people living in LOVE. Until we learn how to live in LOVE the world will never be at Peace.” |