So just where are we in the world today ? My friend Vic lives in the Great North East and we follow each other on Facebook. I ran across his post recently and it made me think, just where are we in the world today. Vic posts; “So I'm sitting at a bar at Houston Bush airport minding my own business and a guy sits next to me while I'm watching news, and of course Trump is speaking, then he says man I'd vote for him. Flip phone, Duck Dynasty jacket, and a mouth full of bigotry, racism, and intolerance. 'Mercia! I didn't sit quietly as most of you probably already know. And this conversation happened about an hour after I defended a Muslim family who was being verbally attacked by a white man who said they "need to go back to Islam", terrifying the 7 year old girl. What the hell has happened? This is serious, and I'm disgusted at what I've seen today, absolutely disgusted.” I responded; “It's SAD. Radical Christians aren't any better than any other radicals. The world and everyone in it needs to take a better look inside themselves.” What if, just what if, all this stuff we’re going through today in the world is of our own doing. What if, just what if, GOD and Jesus have turned their back on the world because of how radical and skeptic people we’ve become? What if they’ve just said, “You guys are on your own”. If Jesus appeared today and started preaching his message of Love and Truth how many of us would start following instead of asking him all sorts of question and doubting everything he said. You know, just like so many people do to each other today. So as we all should know it’s never too late to get back to JESUS’ message of Love & Truth but we all have to make an effort to stay on point and not let anything else get us off track. “we have sinned, committed iniquity, acted wickedly and rebelled, even turning aside from Your commandments and ordinances. 6"Moreover, we have not listened to Your servants the prophets, who spoke in Your name to our kings, our princes, our fathers and all the people of the land. 7"Righteousness belongs to You, O Lord, but to us open shame” Just a Point of View. |