Is the solution to the mass shootings going on these days as easy as “Open Carry”?
After carrying a sidearm, as a law enforcement officer myself for quite a few years, I often wonder if the solution is really that simple? If we give everyone the opportunity to “Open Carry” a Side Arm (with special training and certification of course), several things will happen. First, It Will Be So much easier to SEE who has a gun. Second, as crass as it may sound, the BAD and Stupid Ones Will Kill Themselves Off right away. I totally agree that No One needs an assault weapon. I also believe that “The Right To Bear Arms” as written into the constitution came at a time that our government still thought there was a real threat of being overthrown by another governments militia and therefore provided the average citizen like you and me the right to arm ourselves and our households to prevent such a take over. Those days, however, are long gone. The need to amend and clarify that part of the constitution has been needed for a long time now because NOW it is being used by gun fanatics way beyond it’s intended purpose. I was born and raised in Texas. Texas the land where cowboys roam on horses and everyone carried a shotgun or deer rifle in the gun rack in their truck for years without any issue at all. For all my youth and into my adult life I NEVER saw anyone take one of those shotguns or deer rifles and start shooting people at random until recent years. We need to Pin Point the root cause of that and go from there. The problem in America today is that there is little or No Respect for the Law and others and their property. These days everyone believes they can get away with anything they want until they get caught and then they believe they can just argue their way out of it. When confronted by The Law they have No Respect for their Authority and start talking back to the officers and disputing their command from the get go. Yes, your right, there are way too many Police Officers that take their authority way to far these days and that is part of the problem. Some many officers these days believe that They Are Martial Law and In Total Control No Matter Where They Arrive. Nothing Could be Further From the Truth. State constitutions clearly define the law and authority of a police officer BUT many of them purposely go beyond what the law allows and abuse their authority. Both of the last two paragraphs define what has led to us to the situation that we are in today. Politicians believe that Gun Control will cure the entire problem. WRONG. Several things need to happen to correct all this. Police need to Stop Abusing Their Authority and Citizens need to to start Respecting The Law, Others and Others Property. PERIOD. Yes, OUTLAW AND STOP the sale of assault weapons. Strictly control their ownership and possession and Immediately start seizing assault weapons not in compliance. Yes, even allow Open Carry so that the average citizen can protect themselves. Just Another Point of View. |