As a new year is upon us there are many things to give thanks for. Our family, friends, our blessings and most of all our future. With the most important thing to keep in mind is becoming a better person, a better Christian. Going to church on the weekends alone does not a good Christian make us. If we truly Believe then we must follow a Righteous Path every day for the rest of our lives. We must do the very best we can to follow the principles of GODLINESS. You may be one of those who says; “well the Bible was written by decadents of followers of JESUS who in some cases were relating stories that were several times past down to them”? Your may be right. We must remember that the principles brought forward in the Bible are for the most part and the True Word of GOD are much the same. Love, Truth and every single thing that stems for that. Sometimes we prevent ourselves from being the best we were meant to be. Even knowing that there is greatness within us we allow strangers, friends and yes sometimes even loved ones to unknowingly plant seeds of doubt in us that can derail our entire lives. It takes an enormous amount of strength to realized that and an even greater strength to break free from it and move forward. Don’t let anyone to tell you what you can’t do. Believe in GOD and the great person he planned for you to be. Never Give Up. We must strive to follow these principles every day of our lives. Remembering that in the end only GOD can and will judge us and HE and Only HIM will decide what comes next. May the New Year bring us All Good Health and Prosperity as we continue to help each other and those how have even less than us. GOD Speed,GOD Bless. |