I am not a saint in any way, shape or form and I have, in my past, done many things that others might consider deplorable BUT I Never Did Anything to viciously harm or hurt anyone. In fact at a certain point, when I finally “Got It”, I immediately started doing something everyday to correct my past Bad Behavior in hopes that at some point I would be forgiven for it.
After all, I knew, just like you and everyone else knows when we are doing something wrong. I knew, just like everyone else, when I was making the wrong decision But I Did It Anyway. My GOD Given Choice right? Right. Until I finally realized there were outside forces influencing me to make those Bad Choices. Some of those choices may not seen like such a bad deal but in the larger scheme of thing they were Horrible. Now, I’ve never really had a huge amount of money and for that I am so grateful. You probably don’t understand that do you? Well, I am the type of person that would just die from being perplexed on a daily basis about making the wrong choices on how to share those blessing. After all, It Is what we’re supposed to do. I don’t think I could sleep at night in a house worth $10, 50, $80 Million Dollars or more when there are good people close by who can’t even afford a good meal. Knowing that they don’t have a roof to sleep under tonight or that they will continue to be ill and or even die because they just can’t afford to see a doctor or receive basic healthcare. Oh, and here I am sleeping in my $80 Million Dollar home. That would keep me from sleeping at night wondering just how many people I could personally save or even just make feel better with a good meal or a place to sleep at night. You see every second of every day that would be heavy on my heart and on my soul that I had that much in Blessings and yet Failed to share with my fellow man. When my time came for me to meet my maker just how would I explain that? YES, Your So Right, we individually can’t cure the world’s problems BUT we certainly are commanded to help those directly around us who genuinely need help. So how on earth could I sleep or even survive in such wealth and opulence knowing there are those around me in such need and such pain? Just what kind of a Christian does that make me? |