A while back a friend has got herself into a rut and just couldn't seem to get herself out of it. I remember some advice that another friend had given him when he was in a similar position and it would seem that my friend Vikki stumbled upon the same thing by circumstance. I'll let Vikki tell the tale in her own words in hopes it may help you if you seem to be in the same situation. “One year ago this month was my first time traveling to Washington for my friends birthday .I was miserable, depressed, broke, overweight and lost. Everything I had in my life was crumbling and I just couldn't get out of my funk. My mental state was deteriorating being around my mom and watching her sink into an Alzheimer world that I couldn't touch. My kids were both living with their dad, I was beyond broke, gained weight, and was morbidly depressed. One trip to another state and I realized how big the world is and how little I had seen of it. I visited a new state and city, I rode my first ferry ride, I hiked up Mt. Rainier and I found myself, happy. I had lived in my little bubble my whole life and somehow after my visit I decided that if I ever could, I would move and start fresh, and i did. Two months later I got a job and place to stay to rebuild who I am. One year ago I made a life choice to be a better me. Today, I stood on the scale after dead lifts, cardio, weight machines, no help, no trainer, just me trying to figure it out. I can say with a smile that even though I have put on some muscle and toned a lot I am back to being a healthy 125 and couldn't be happier since I was pushing the upper 160's when I left. I hike and love being in the mountains. I have a job that puts me through the ringer but I love it and am able to support myself and my kiddo again. He is thriving and now so am I. As I sit here and realize that the only thing missing would be someone to share this with personally but I am alright if that doesn't happen because, I am happy just being me and hanging with my kiddo. To all of you out there, if your depressed, take a walk and, look around, not just in your usual places, but take a real walk, somewhere in the world that you have never seen. It might just open your eyes and your mind and change your life for the better.” Thanks Vikki for sharing your Point Of View. |