Clinton or Trump, it’s the Greatest Show on Earth right now. You would think that Barnum and Bailey would be looking to sue since Donald Trump has stole their act and brought it to the presidential election.
Yes, there are still some questions about Benghazi way down deep in my brain and yes, I know, not for a fact, but if Hilary is anything like any other major Washington politician she has probably taken all sorts of gifts and money in unscrupulous ways from people and situations that she should not have but, don’t we all already know that. I mean isn’t that a given with politicians? One that we’ve known about for decades and have chosen to look the other way on? We have to give props to Donald Trump for turning this presidential election into America’s Greatest Reality Show. If he is as smart as he thinks her should have a crew recording all the behind the scenes shenanigans so that he can turn it into a new reality series and or a movie. Hopefully one that he can claim a loss ion and still not pay any taxes while you and me are paying for him instead. But wait. Many of you senators and congressman should be booted out as well. You guys are responsible for this entire mess we’re in now. You guys are to blame and so are we for leaving you in there. If this Circus Sideshow has done anything is it’s kicked off a stronger sense of transparency. A more defiant sense of “the public’s right to know”. Maybe it’s the millenniums or some other faction of the electorate. Finally, someone is demanding answers. About Damn Time America. Maybe, just maybe from now on we’ll be able to hold politicians feet to the fire more often and demand answers for things that are just not right of fair. We need to find out what truly happened to the Social Security coffers. Where the fund go and who’s fault was it and, most of all how are they going to fix it? Turn the flame up on those dancing chickens and don’t let them stop dancing until they find the fix. Have the senate and congress stop screwing around with our Military and Healthcare. America is the greatest free country in the world but it seems like we take care of our own last. That needs to STOP, immediately. The Right to Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness can not exist without Military Protection and FREE Superior Healthcare for every single American Citizen. Make It Happen. Finally, but certainly not lastly, Native Americans. There are ares and acres of government land land just sitting out there. Give much of it back to it’s true owners. The Natives. Set them up with quality housing, utilities and healthcare and education for FREE. It’s the very least we can do for people that you almost obliterated off the face of the earth to steal their land and turn it in to our country at the cost of One Hundred Million, men, women and children. I better stop before I get really riled up. Thanks for reading and considering just another point of view. |