![]() Do you ever wonder, cause sometimes do, if in attempting to be So Politically Correct we aren’t Violating One Our Most Sacred Rights? I’m talking about The FIRST Amendment, The Right To Freedom of Speech. Could we be just annihilating it in theory at least if not in strict legality. If someone writes that they think I look like a Monkey or a character from “Planet of The Apes” which, by the way I probably do or have looked like on several occasions, how can anyone have the right to ASSUME that they mean it as a Racial Slur? Not to mention, in doing so, destroy a persons livelihood and their ability to earn a living without truly knowing if that’s what they meant at the time they wrote that about me. After pondering all that for a while now I can’t say that I’m not 100% sure that what America has done to Rosanne Barr may be morally and / or legally right. After all, this is America land of the free home of the brave where our soldiers fight wars in places far, far away to protect our right to be free even in our speech. The way I see it, unless you can prove without a benefit of the doubt that what you think someone said at any given time they wrote something was true, there is no case. It then all become assumption, conjecture. Nothing more than someone giving credence to a rumor, a belief someone has, and certainly Not A Truth. I’ve looked at a picture of the person Rosanne supposedly besmirched on that infamous Tweet and I must say I have to agree. If you put a Picture of her next to a picture of Dr Zira (one of my favorite characters from “Planet Of The Apes”, there is a slight resemblance. But then again if you put a picture of ME next to a picture of Clyde the orangutan from the Clint Eastwood Movie “Every which Way But Loose” you’ll have to admit there is a slight resemblance as well. How can we prove that those are Racist comparisons though? According to researchers, “The great ape families are the species most closely related to our own”. So, Come On now, can we all just try to Relax and live together without being So Sensitive? As Christians, we’re even worst. We sanctimoniously pick and choose which parts of the Bible we want to follow on any given day and which ones we just run over with a Mac truck. We violate Bible verse every day without giving it a second thought but when we catch someone in the public eye doing it, OMG you would think it was the end of the world. Tie them to the stacks and stone them in public. The truly sad thing is that in thousands and thousands of years we still have not learn to get along as one people. That we still don’t realize that the more we choose to segregate ourselves by the color of our eyes, our skin, race, heritage, geographic origin, etc, etc, etc WE WILL NEVER achieve that goal. We must set all our bad history aside and accept to see and treat each other as Equals. Only then will we that happen. Don’t get me wrong and don’t put words in my mouth. I’m not saying we can’t be proud of who our ancestors and our heritage. Let’s how ever stop using what our ancestors went through and learn from it instead of using it to continue to separate us as One People. We don’t have to like or agree with something someone else says but then again we don’t have to start a huge campaign to ruin their world either. Leave that to Karma. Just another Point of View. |