Preface: I Am Not A Doctor or Medical Professional. All Medical info posted herein has been given to me by a Doctor or Medical Professional. It’s been an eye opening year for me healthy wise. Early in the year I found out by accident that I was having Kidney issues after applying to do a Fatty Liver Study. Just recently they did confirm my Liver Enzymes were Up and told me it could be a precursor to cirrhosis. On top of the fact that I already suffer from Diabetes and High Blood Pressure I am now a walking Time Bomb. Needless to say I have immediately embarked on a plan to learn all I can about how to control and possibly reverse my diagnosis if possible. Prior to finding all this out I had wanted to embark on a KETO Diet. After an eye opening talk with my Kidney and Liver Doctors they nixed that idea telling me that a High Meat Protein Diet over taxes the function of both the Kidneys and the Liver and not in a good way. They suggested I eat a more plant based diet and told me there were plenty of veggies that were as high in protein if not higher than meat. The difference being that plant based protein did not tax the Kidneys or Liver the same way Meat Protein does. There is a wealth of information on line to help us live a healthier life BUT we can’t just talk the talk WE MUST Walk the Walk as well in order for any of it to do us any good. So it’s obvious we all need protein to live but what many of us do not know is that there are plenty of vegetables that ares high if not higher in protein thank meat. Watercress is a cruciferous plant that grows in water and has a high protein content. One cup (34 grams) of chopped Watercress contains 0.8 grams of protein and 100% of your RDI of vitamin K. Spinach is one of the most nutrient-dense leafy green vegetables you can eat. Protein accounts for 30% of its calories and it contains all the essential amino acids. A 1-cup (30-gram) serving provides 1 gram of protein and 181% of the RDI for vitamin K. Among others are Alfalfa sprouts, Chinese cabbage, Asparagus, Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, Cauliflower and quite a few others. Yes, it is a huge struggle, more so for us that love to eat than others but if we plan to live a longer and healthier life It Is Something We Must Learn To Do. Think about a healthy Plant Based Diet. Just Another Point of View. |