The most important thing we should all realize about life is that we are Not in control. Our life is designed that way. Even though we may have limited control over some things many things we will never be able to control. With that in mind, we should learn to forgive, forget (to some degree) and most of all Move On. In fact, our greatest power in life is, how we rebound from those things in life that do not end up well. Most of us expect way too much of ourselves and because of that, we live a life of depression thinking that we are not worthy. We must learn to set goals that are in sink with what our life path is currently and improve on that. Learn to fully appreciate what we have and what we’ve accomplished no matter how great or small that may be, and move forward. With the exception of GOD, the rest of us, not one of us are perfect. With that in mind, we must learn to share whatever talents and blessings GOD has given us with others on a daily basis. We must always be conscious of the fact that hating and worrying are just a waste of our time and energy. We learn early in our lives that hating on something or worrying about something NEVER changes the outcome. So why Do It. Know and understand that from all failures or setbacks in life we are supposed to learn a lesson. Never forget that the things we pay the most attention to will grow or in some cases fester. So make certain you are always focused on things that are important and positive in your life. What we fail to realize is that We Don’t Need More To Be Happy. Too much, managed incorrectly, will bring us nothing but sorrow. So learn to give from the abundance of our blessings to others who need the help. Remember those material things may serve to distract us more than they help to make us a better person. Truth, Love, Peace, and Helping are the things that should guide our life path. Be Well, Be Blessed, GOD Speed. Just Another Point of View. |