They say the greatest gift GOD gave to man was the ability to choose.
What people seem to forget all the time is that even though we are free to choose We Are Not Free from the consequences of our choices. In fact, I saw an article in the Business Insider recently that said; “Coronavirus didn’t bring the economy down — 40 years of greed and corporate malfeasance did”. So we have to wonder, all these things that are upon us now like this Pandemic, Th Swarms of Locusts in Africa, the destruction of the Amazon Rain Forest, the disappearing Polar Ice Caps, etc, etc, could this be a result of our own making. Could it be GOD’s way of telling us, Enough is Enough Already. You guys have to straighten up. Beyond all that, have we learned our lesson? After this Pandemic starts to clear will it be back to Greed and Malfeasance all over again until next time GOD decides we need another reminder? When and if that comes how many people will have to suffer and even die then before we even start to get the hint? We must start to change before we end up like Sodom and Gomorrah. It is certainly a scary time. I hope and pray that it all teaches us a lesson. That we learn from the situation and realize we need to be better prepared for something like this when and if it comes again. Have you got that BIG Stimulus Check Yet. Funny, you know as soon as people get it, no matter what bills they have to pay It Will Be Christmas for sure. They’ll be out buying electronics, jewelry, taking trips, etc. Sadly, another month or two like this and many Mom and Pop, Family Businesses will be D.O.A. and it will take quite some time before they can even try to make a come back, or not. Most places like that run on a week to week, month to month existence and this Pandemic is killing them, literally. If they have any employees they were the first to loose their jobs and the family suffered next. With any luck many of them will be able to put some of their Stimulus Check and / or maybe even get one of those small business loans that the government says are available to restart their small restaurant or retail business. Just Another Point of View. |