We have to keep asking ourselves, In this day and age of such modern technology and medical advances why are so many people, people of all ages, old and young alike, taking their own lives.
Some of these folks are even wealthy people who in some cases are famous and have everything that you and me could ever want and still they somehow believe that their lives are so screwed up, so worthless that they fell compelled to End Them. Why. Then, one of my biggest pet peeves is that our society, and our medical professionals either don’t care enough or seem to do enough for people that have mental issues not matter how large or small they may be. In my life I’ve know several people who have had mental issues. Some were minor and some a bit more complex. In knowing them I found out how difficult it is for them to cope with their own demons and harder still for them to find professional who are truly interested in helping them. Back in the day, some 29 or 3o years ago they would just throw these folks in jail or a state hospital and fill them full of Quaalude on a daily basis so they would sleep or walk around like zombies all day. Glad to report that since then both the drugs and treatment have gotten a little better but Not Much. For many of those cases where medication doesn’t sen to be working and the status quo just doesn’t want to spend the time or money on specialty treatment it would seem the industry reverts back to days of old. They stick these folks in “behavioral treatment centers” where the end result is heavy drugs and a whole new generation of zombies. Our society needs to mount a serious investigation of the Mental Health Industry and how it treats people in our society who don’t have enough money for specialized treatment. As a society we need to banned together to make sure these people and their rights are protected as well. Just Another Point of View. |