![]() Like some artists that contribute so much to a generation with their music, gold records, #1 hit songs so many more in the top 40, the top 20 or even the top 10. Janis Joplin had only one #1 during her career, "Me and Bobby Mcgee". The song hit #1 in 1970 one year after her death. She was born in Port Arthur Texas, spent one semester in collage but soon dropped out after cruel treatment by her fellow students. A devoted student in Kenpo Karate in which she earned a third degree black belt, she kept with the music believing that music should not be about making money. In the late 60's Janis hitchhiked to San Francisco to escape collage and join the hippie movement. During her performance at the Monterrey Pop Festival she performed two sets due to the fact that the first performance was not taped. In the world of Rock"n"Roll is it always sex, drugs and Rock"n"Roll?, what about cover ups and or conspiracy? Janis Joplin died of an assumed heroin overdose on October 4, 1970, she was found dead in room 105 at Highland Gardens Motel. The person that found Janis said she had blood on her lips and in her mouth and a broken nose, lying on the floor purple faced, the broken nose was not listed on the death certificate, plus Janis had not done drugs for six months. In her motel room no drugs or narcotics were found, then the police were called and they too found no drugs, but they told reporters that Janis had "fresh needle marks" on her arm, 10 to 14 of them on her left arm. The last person seen with her was someone who was with her in a bar across the street from the hotel on the night of her death. Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison, Alan"Blind Owl" and Janis Joplin .Alan Wilson died 15 days before Hendrix of an overdose, Hendrix died of an overdose 16 days before Janis Joplin, does this make you wonder? Think about this: It's the summer of love 1967, the peace movement is on, the Vietnam war is on and riots are all over the country, Kent State University war protesters cost several of students their lives, they were shot by the National Guardsmen, the country is in turmoil, young men are leaving the country to avoid the Vietnam draft. The Governments are worried about the music scene because of the lyrics and messages in the music. All the young people wanted was love and peace, the government hated it because they could not control the movement. The FBI watched music performers and concerts very closely and had many files on many of the performers. So the best thing to do was to get of Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix, Wilson, John Lennon and many more others and of course Janis Joplin. Learn more about Janis Joplin on KWMC's 1490AM's Little Red Rooster show on the next artist of the month featuring Janis Joplin. All articles and known facts are by Wendy Johnson and all shows are produced by Javier Martinez. |