If you are constantly trying to shed a few pounds like me then you've probably tried every diet there is to try. You, like me, have probably searched high and low for that secret ingredient hoping to find that magical pill that would help us loose weight. Now, we find out that there may be something that helps that's actually been around for almost ever. It's something that many of us eat in our Mexican food every single day. A little spice that researchers have found that allow us to loose weight when taken properly on a daily basis. Here is the story of the miracle weight loss food known as Cumin. Adding Cumin to your diet and you’ll get an increase in metabolism, kick your immune system into gear, naturally detox yourself on a regular basis and help burn fat away faster. Known as Jeera in India, Cumin is very common in African, Indian, Asian and Latin American dishes and offers a wide variety of health benefits both for physical and mental health. A recent study of 78 men and women showed Cumin as effective as prescription drug Orlistat for weight loss, without the nasty side effects . Over the 8 week trial, those receiving Cumin lost an average of 2-3 lbs – better than those taking Orlistat. Another recent research study at Shahid University tested women on a controlled diet who were given cumin powder vs placebo. The women given cumin powder lost 3 more pounds, and decreased their body fat % almost 15% vs less than 5% for the control group. The dosage tested was 3 grams – or about 1 teaspoon of cumin powder daily, mixed with yogurt. Both of these studies showed that not only is cumin great at overall helping your body not to build and store fat, but it’s specifically good at targeting your abdominal fat. Besides the 2 studies mentioned above, there have been numerous studies that demonstrate positives. In the study at Shahid University, those taking cumin lowered their triglycerides 23 points and nearly 10 points off their LDL cholesterol levels. Cumin is also beneficial to mental health, and can help you improve your memory and sharpen your concentration skills. Cumin has been prescribed for thousands of years to help with sleep. Recent studies suggest the anti-stress and relaxation properties probably account for the long recognized benefits as a sleep aid. In Indian cuisine it’s commonly combined with a number or other spices, such as ginger, fenugreek, black pepper and turmeric powder. This helps increase the effect that it has on your digestive system and helps your body absorb more nutrients, which in turn helps prevent your body from storing fat. Cumin is an amazing source of iron, which is important for ensuring a healthy digestive system. It helps your body produce energy more effectively, carry a healthy supply of oxygen to the tissues in your body, and improves your immune system. As always consult with you Doctor should you have any questions and Happy Healthy Eating. |