Coconut Oil Coffee also burns Fat, Lowers Inflammation and YES it tastes great too. I have to say hazelnut coffee creamer was one of my favorites but it is loaded with sugar, preservatives and other questionable chemicals. Yikes ! You can say the same about those fancy $5 lattes.. So how can we get the decadence and creaminess of a fancy lattes or creamers without being unhealthy? Easy Answer. COCONUT OIL. 1st, let check out the benefits Of Coconut Oil. Coconut Oil is made up of medium-chain triglycerides that help your body naturally produce it’s own energy. Secondly, the Lauric acid content helps reduce inflammation and can helps fight colds too. Let’s not leave out the fact that Coconut Oil’s is rich saturated fat content is essential for cell growth and function. And it’s fatty acids help reduce appetite that which can possible aid in weight loss. HOW to make you own latte using with coconut oil: Pour 1 cup of brewed coffee into a blender. Place 1-2 tablespoons of coconut oil in blender. Choose organic, unrefined, virgin coconut oil for maximum benefits. Blend until frothy. Then Pour into a mug and enjoy your “latte!” NOTE: It is important to use a blender. If you just stir coconut oil into your coffee it will make just make it oily and NOT frothy. You may noticed when you start adding coconut oil to your coffee, it will satisfy your appetite for hours and you may find yourself not reaching for that mid morning snack. Coconut oil will serve to kept you energized and satisfied! Happy, Healthy Eating. |