Back in 2016, famed Cardiologist Sonja Gupta put the word out about how important it is for us to have the right amount of magnesium in our diets on a daily basis.
So, what is Magnesium? It is an important mineral for normal bone structure in the body. Most people seldom if ever get enough magnesium from their diet so most times magnesium supplements are needed if magnesium levels are too low. Magnesium deficiency is also not uncommon among African Americans and the elderly. Low magnesium levels in the body have been linked to such things as osteoporosis, high blood pressure, clogged arteries, hereditary heart disease, diabetes, and stroke. Dr Gupta talked about how magnesium seems to help people with ectopic heartbeats. Medical News Today defines; “An ectopic heartbeat is when the heart either skips a beat or adds an extra beat. They are also called premature heartbeats. Ectopic heartbeats are usually not a cause for concern, and they may occur for no known reason. Despite the skipped or added beat, the heart otherwise functions normally.” Gupta goes on to add that people taking the right amount of magnesium also report a sense of well being, just feeling better and sleeping better too. Magnesium seems to help fight inflammation in the body which may prevent the heart from getting blood to the body as it should. Magnesium is a mineral and an electrolyte. It is the 4th most abundant mineral in the body and is necessary for electrical activity in the heart and in the brain. It is also a co-factor of over 300 other reactions in the body. Gupta says the recommended daily dose of magnesium is 400 to 420mg for men and between 310 and 360mg for women. Most people these days get under 370mg a day. That means that approximately 75% of people are taking in less magnesium than they should. **Obviously, ALWAYS consult your Doctor before making any change in your daily routine of what you consume to make sure it’s going to be right for you. All things considered I think that taking the right amount of Magnesium could do nothing but help us all. So I have started taking the recommended daily dose and we’ll see what happens. Next time we’ll discuss something that may just help you make things better for you liver especially if you have a fatty liver. Until then, Happy Holiday’s and Happy, Healthy Eating. |