Since close to the beginning of time, shortly after the discovery of fire, Man has been brewing and drinking coffee.
For a while now we have been told that research shows that drinking coffee can lead to a longer life and that buzz, along with the caffeine buzz just keeps on re-emerging over and over again. Some say that coffee could just be the healthiest drink on the planet. Many of it’s compounds are antioxidants. Antioxidants are known to protect against oxidative stress in our body that can be caused by damaging free radicals. Treating yourself to a cup of coffee, you’re not only getting that caffeine buzz but, you also get the beneficial compounds and powerful antioxidants. In 2012 a study done with close to half a Million People, of those who drank the most coffee, were significantly less likely to have died during the 12–13-year study. Another plus to drinking coffee is that studies show that coffee may make you happier, reducing your risk of depression and suicide by 20% and 53%, respectively. So why wouldn’t you consider continuing to drink decent quantities of coffee since it’s linked to a lower risk of depression, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, type 2 diabetes, and liver diseases. Studies even show that people who drink coffee are also less likely to die by suicide. Who knew? With cooler weather on the way, get ready to pour you another cup or two during the day and Live Longer and Prosper. |