Recently a friend of mine announce to the world on Facebook that he had not been feeling well lately and had woken up with yellow eyes. Suddenly all the backseat doctors started to chime in with their diagnosis. Hepatitis, Jaundices, Cirrhosis, etc, etc.....until we went to the Emergency Room and they started a barrage of blood work to determine just what he had. One thing that they did determine immediately was that we had gone into sepsis. I think that's when some of your organs, like the liver or the kidneys start to shut down. So my friend was very worried as he should be. It's not a good thing when your organs start to shut down and they tell you it's a serious thing. Finally they advised him that he had Hep C and started a treatment to make him better. So I started doing a little research to see what was a great food or herb to strengthen the liver. It wasn't too long before I found out the wonders of Ginger when it came to fortifying the Liver. Ginger naturally has a high antioxidant content, which reduces cellular damage. According to Ginger may help prevent or treat this liver condition by reducing oxidation stress, decreasing insulin resistance and inhibiting inflammation, all contributing factors. Clinical trials are in order to determine the extent of the benefits that ginger may offer for liver health. In a different study from 2010 on laboratory animals, 250 milligrams and 500 milligrams per kilogram of body weight of ginger and the same amounts of chicory significantly improved liver damage and restored blood composition to normal when administered individually or together. Neither substance caused toxic effects at doses up to 5 grams per kilogram. Microscopic evaluation of liver tissue also showed improvements from the two supplements. Since I have Fatty Liver I was amazed to find out that Ginger may protect against nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, an increasingly common condition associated with insulin resistance that is nearing epidemic proportions, say researchers who conducted a study published in the January 2011 issue of the "World Journal of Gastroenterology." Ginger may help prevent or treat this liver condition by reducing oxidative stress on the liver, decreasing insulin resistance and inhibiting inflammation, all contributing factors to this condition. Who knew that Ginger, yes Ginger Root, could be so good for our Liver. So I too have started eating more Ginger and taking a Ginger Root supplement. I'm not saying you should do the same but you may at least look into to it? Be well and Happy Healthy Eating. |