![]() Did you now that one of the most important things you can do when you get up in the morning is have a glass or two of water on an empty stomach. Not only does it start all your juices flowing it also helps your body fight off a heart attack. Water fires up your metabolism, hydrates and helps your body flush out toxins, gives your brain fuel, and may even make you eat less. Now, Mince 2 to 3 garlic cloves, let them sit for 15 minutes then combine them with one tablespoon of honey. Consume this remedy every day and you’ll see how energized you will feel and how much healthier you’ll be. Eating raw garlic can help with a lot of health conditions. It can help you decrease high blood pressure, cholesterol, prevent coronary heart disease and heart attack. It’s also very effective in minimizing the effects of atherosclerosis. One garlic clove can help you with everyday health issues like hay fever,a cold, flu, bug bites and fungal infections. Garlic is also beneficial for symptoms such as osteoarthritis, diabetes, and an enlarged prostate. It’s an amazing immune system enhancer and can give you a full body detox. Furthermore, if you combine it with onion and ginger it can ease the side effects of chemo. Garlic’s is optimal when it’s consumed raw because its active ingredient – allicin loses its properties when it’s processed thermally. Crush and slice the cloves and let them stay for 15 minutes before you consume them. When you crush the cloves, it activates a reaction that boosts the allicin’s bio-availability. Don't forget it’s easier for your body to absorb the nutrients when your stomach is empty. Happy, Healthy Eating my friends. |