I would personally like to thank Donald Trump for making the world realize that the race for President of The United States of America has become a popularity contest where whom ever has the most money donated has the best chance at winning no matter how stupid they may be. I have for a long time now thought it was so stupid to allow politicians to collect MILLIONS of dollars so they could run the most advertising to try to convince us to vote for them. Last time i counted the current people running for president have collected close to 100 MILLION dollars in an effort to try to buy our vote. Do you know how many things can be fixed with 100 MILLION Dollars? We could provide Health Car for every Man Woman and Child in the United States. We could pay our soldiers a better wage. We could refund the money that politicians, both Democrat and Republican, have raped from the Social Security System that makes it impossible for your Grandma or Grandpa to live a decent live in their golden years as they were promised when they first started paying in to Social Security. It could provide the best care, housing and benefits for our wounded warriors who have lost so much fighting for our freedom. For that matter it could provide basic housing for the homeless no matter why their homeless. When someone like Donald Trump, a TV Reality Star can be the leading Candidate of the Republican Party, there is something wrong in America. I’m not saying that everything he brings up has no merit. Many things he says make sense but it is sad that it took, who probably could be the worst choice for president, Donald Trump to make us aware of those things. As citizens we have a great responsibility keep and eye on our politicians and call them out on things we think may not be right. We don’t though. We can barley drag ourselves to the polls when it’s time to vote and then just complain about things the rest of the time. We need to start cleaning house in Washington on both sides. Stop the Politician Pilferage. Stop the Insanity. Limit Terms to 4 years for Everybody except the Prez. Leave that the same. No more, Politicians pandering to special interests who put millions of dollars in their pockets in one way or another. Stop providing so much aide for other countries until we have everyone in America provided for first. Just A Point of View. Have a Great Holiday. |